sai B
Based in Kona, where she moonlights as an actual human, the entity currently known as Sai B is a conduit for connection in the community. She revolves around music and music revolves around her. This deep-seated symbiotic relationship evolved her natural talent as a singer/songwriter. As the universe unraveled in all of its magnificence, DJing was a logical progression to share the way she hears the world with the world. Over the last several years she has become a staple on local lineups at many of our favorite events, renegades, and existential crises.
For those who haven't had the pleasure, Sai B's sets are sassy like a Tuesday night's textual intercourse crescendoing with a Sunday morning booty call, teasing the tempo to flirt with funk and banter your basslines. She dabbles with the DJ/dancer dynamic to sift through sound waves like grains of sand as these seeds of time are forged into the very hourglass used to contain its self.
Sai B has curated a crate broader than broadway with the sense of fashion to match. Her multi-genre sets are medicine, mixing music & infinite potential with a microdose of fermented tears from a virgin mermaid. This is where magic resides. Her saucy side-boob-style opens your third ear and lets life come alive through you. Simply listen between the lines. The dancefloor is a pathless land, and Sai B's extensive understanding of noneness allows her to create juicy soundscapes designed for an intimate journey within. Lick your lips and linger in the lush moment that exists between the drop of sweat & gasp of breath.